Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nuclear Proliferation Essay

Nuclear Proliferation is the spread of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not recognized as â€Å"Nuclear Weapon States† by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons; also known as Nuclear Proliferation Treaty or NPT. The purpose of the treaty was to help avoid the spread of nuclear weapons to those countries that have not been recognized as nuclear weapons states. NPT has only been signed by 189 countries, not by countries that are believed to have nuclear weapons. The United States was the first and is the only country to have used a nuclear weapon in war. They used two bombs against Japan in August, 1945. Germany and Japan ceased to be involved in any nuclear weapon research. August, 1949, the USSR tested a nuclear weapon, as well as the United Kingdom in October, 1952, France developed one in 1960 and the People’s Republic of China detonated a nuclear weapon in 1964. India was next with exploding a nuclear device in 1974, and Pakistan tested a weapon in 1998. Finally, North Korea conducted a nuclear test in 2006. Pros and Cons Reasons for abolishing nuclear weapons are: †¢ The entire world would be more secure if the planet were free of nuclear weapons -Nuclear Weapons are the only weapons that have the ability to extinguish the entire human race and its entire species. †¢ The threat/use of nuclear weapons has been declared generally illegal by the World Court -On July 8th, 1996, the World Court stated that it is illegal to use or threat to use nuclear weapons †¢ Nuclear Weapons are morally at fault -nuclear Weapons are intolerable. Nuclear weapons can wipe out most if not all of the lives on Earth. †¢ Nuclear weapons don’t do what they’re supposed to do, which is prevent wars! -Nuclear weapons states have been involved in more wars than non nuclear weapon states †¢ Nuclear Weapons are extremely costly -The cost of research, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and associated intelligence activities are combined, the price is heavy. Then you have the cost of damage to land, illness, and cancer deaths from pollution, and nuclear waste storage, the price becomes enormous. †¢ Some countries have already given up nuclear weapons, showing that it is possible for a nation to be stable without them -Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, became nuclear weapon free states voluntarily. They transferred their nuclear warheads to Russia after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Reasons for nuclear weapons are: †¢ Nuclear Weapons cannot be uninvented -No human invention can be uninvented, but it also is not enough to abolish nuclear weapons †¢ No serious proponent of disarmament argues that the US should eliminate its nuclear arsenal unilaterally -As long as other states have nuclear weapons, the US should remain a credible restraint †¢ Steps toward zero by the US won’t cause Korea to disarm or Iran to drop its nuclear ambitions – The US would be seeking to gather the support of the other non-nuclear weapon states that are members of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, rather than seeking to influence North Korea, Iran or any other †¢ US shouldn’t ignore its allies -The United States working toward disarmament might lead some US allies to seek their own nuclear weapons †¢ US disarmament efforts should not be delinked from the wider security picture – US disarmament efforts should be probable upon improvements in the wider security movements Tactical vs. Strategic Nuclear Weapons There are two different types of nuclear weapons: tactical and strategic. Tactical means that it directly effects a tactical situation on a battlefield. It would be directly used on troops, tanks or ships. Tactical weapons were smaller and could be rocket, missile, air, or artillery launched. Strategic means it effected the environment, such as destroying a city to prevent production of military equipment for the entire war. Strategic weapons are larger and are missile, submarine, or air launched. Strategic weapons could be used for a tactical purpose and tactical weapons could be used for a strategic purpose. Threat of Terrorism and Nuclear Scare I think Terrorism has absolutely changed the way countries think about nuclear weapons. Before all countries had to worry about was whether or not their rival country was going to launch an attack on them. Now counties have to worry about other countries getting nuclear power including terrorist! Terrorist don’t think things through like other countries do. They will launch nuclear weapons on a country knowing that the country will get even. For this reason, a country simply acquiring nuclear weapons is not a restraint for them. In theory, terrorists might either seize an existing weapon or set up a secret organization to make one. In general, obtaining nuclear weapons by unauthorized individuals or groups seems unlikely because nuclear materials are difficult to acquire and to handle; but say for instance a terrorist organization was able to obtain nuclear weapons; they can become a threat to another part of the world and/or they would have to wage war endangering the lives o f the citizens in that country. Culture The legitimate language of North Korea is Korean. In North Korea, religion is inhibited. Religious activities have been nonexistent since 1945; Buddhism, Chongdogyo, and Christianity existed before but had influenced the country in a way that made them disapprove. According to CIA World Fact book, as of July, 2011, the population was 25.5 million and the growth rate about +0.42%. North Korea is bordered to the South of South Korea, to the east of the Sea of Japan, to the West of the Yellow Sea and to the North of Manchuria. Their agricultural products include rice, corn, barley, soy beans, potatoes, pig, cattle, pork, eggs and more. Nuclear Arsenal Analysis Their amount of their arsenal is unknown. But we do know that they seek to increase their nuclear arsenal. They believe North Korea continues to pursue a uranium enrichment capability drawing on the assistance it received from A.Q. Khan before his network was shutdown. North Korea continues to develop, produce, deploy, and sell ballistic missiles of increasing range and sophistication. They believe North Korea has active CW and BW programs and probably has chemical and possibly biological weapons ready for use. Why they’re a danger and to whom? North Korea is the biggest danger to South Korea. These two counties have been at war for years. For some reason North Korea continues to attempt to attack South Korea and it seems as though they won’t stop at any cost. North and South Korea has had different economic systems since the Korean War of 1950. South Korea operates under a market economy system and North Korea adapted central planning economy. Therefore, while North Korea faces chronic economic problems because of previous leader’s poor judgment, South Korea’s economy has achieved an incredible record of growth. Worst Case Scenario North Korea will challenge South Korea and a battle will occur, that will kill thousands. Culture The legitimate language of Japan is Japanese. In Japan, 83.9% is Shintoism, 71.4% is Buddhism, 2% is Christianity, and 7.8% are other. According to CIA World Fact book, as of July, 2011, the population was 126,475,664 and the growth rate is about -0.278%. Japan is in Eastern Asia, an island chain between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula. Japan’s ethnic groups are Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Japan’s agricultural goods are rice, sugar beets, vegetables, fruit; pork, poultry, dairy products, eggs; fish. Nuclear Arsenal Analysis Culture The legitimate language of Pakistan is Punjabi, Sindhi, Saraiki (a Punjabi variant) Pashtu Urdu (official), Balochi, Hindko, Brahui, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski, and others. In Pakistan, Muslim (Sunni and Shia), other (includes Christian and Hindu). According to CIA World Fact book, as of July, 2011, the population was 187,342,721 and the growth rate is about 1.573%. Pakistan is in Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Agricultural goods in Pakistan are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables; milk, beef, mutton, eggs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Domestic Violence On Ray Rice Essay

For I would think that Ray Rice was waiting for the elevator as it opens, a woman shoots past me with cries, clear fresh opened scars on the face. I see an angry Ray Rice out of the elevator. I would respectfully ask him about the situation with the woman. The first thought in my head is domestic violence. I wouldn’t of reported it right away in his face, but I certainly would question him. After I get the answer I will seek out for the victim, call the local police and identify the man known as ray rice after confirming watching the tape. The societal impact would be tremendous. NFL superstar in a domestic violence case. The NFL should have an uprise on it’s domestic violence policy, it should not take a very graphic video to get the NFL to do the right thing. For too long in the NFL has had this form of playbook when it comes to players who commit domestic violence. For I would think that Ray Rice probably just lost his temper, as I saw it in his face. I also saw a fo rm of remorse at the press conference when he apologized. Did it really take a two game ban, suspension, and a release to feel some type of remorse? I don’t entirely agree. I think, I believe it was just a case of losing someone’s soul, Ray Rice snapped. In the 1990s, NFL players were charged with domestic violence more often than with any other crime. Yet again, the NFL took no action, and if players were cut by one team after being arrested, they were often quickly picked up by another. Some of these cases involved allegations. I’m sure the NFL has suspended indefinitely players who has a more cruel video tape of evidence. The NFL is in desire need of male leadership when it comes to violence against women. In the wake of the Rice video’s release, the owner of the ravens sent a letter to stakeholders that outlined mistakes, apologized and promised a better response in the future. In this society, we have to open our eyes think affect of long-term, in this case, domestic violence because we cannot let these situ ations get over hyped and out of control of the situation and the individuals involved as well. The short-term attention and never hinder the long-term effect on this society  on how it viewpoints an organization. Ray Rice can use this experience to help him as a spokesman for domestic violence cases when this situation goes down. Ray Rice was talking at the press conference about how he let his mom, wife, daughter, wife’s parents and teammates down. It was a big mistake for conflicting his anger on his wife on that night. He wanted to get some help on his actions. I think that he could of think first before he react to it. I think his fiancà ©e shouldn’t keep on provoking him and thinking that he wouldn’t do anything to her. In this situation, it should of have stopped from the beginning where they got into a huge argument. When you get into an argument, it can lead to another whole level. The only thing he can do right now is to fix himself together and realize how he took his rage on something where he could of told his fiancà ©e to slim down and let ’s work it out somehow. The law in this society is, do not put your hands on a woman. Because men are stronger than a woman. And there’s no reason to put your hands on a woman. When Ray Rice finished beating his fiancà ©e up, the elevator opens and you can see he drag his fiancà ©e out of the elevator, left her there and didn’t bother carrying her out of the elevator. So of course, when he went to court the judge will think he didn’t really care about her at all. Ray Rice didn’t acknowledge the fact that his way was drunk and she needed to cool down for a Sec. They should of taking this situation where they can solve it another way, then going to court, going to hail or even get suspended from the NFL. For each of the situation, I think they could put Ray and his fiancà ©e in a rehab or an anger management center so that it can help them out throughout the process. If you can tell how the judge and the NFL have taken it too far from the situation. Instead of him going to jail, he could’ve been on probation and learn from his mista kes. The NFL and the teammates can help him to accomplish his goals by talking to him, explaining how to not put your hands on any type of women, focus on his anger so that he can control it. Mange throughout the whole year without any domestic violence. Now he needs to learn that one day his daughter will find out the truth about how her mother and father got into an argument and it lead into a serious thing. She will think that her father and mother could of done something different to solve this issue. She might be scared of her father because of what he has done to his fiancà ©e from the past. Men shouldn’t put their hands on a woman and a women should put their  hands on a man. The whole purpose of this incident was to take control on everything. It doesn’t matter how mad you get or how bad the person you love gets you steaming hot. There shouldn’t be any domestic violence at all. When you notice that there’s any violence around, have you think that it will affect the other part in society as in little kids and at school. Society needs to understand on what should be done with domestic violence. What need to take care of so that society can be a better place.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nurse Practitioners who have had a spanish for health care Research Proposal

Nurse Practitioners who have had a spanish for health care practitioners course will provide better subjective and objective ass - Research Proposal Example Contextually, it has emerged as a vital point of consideration for professionals to obtain differentiated advantages and attain better growth opportunities in the global context. Based on a similar notion, in nursing, language or rather the linguistic skills possessed by the nurses are determined as an important and beneficial attribute when aiming at better patient satisfaction (American College of Physicians, 2009). In today’s society, it is quite essential that what is transmitted by the nurse is effectively comprehended by the patients through effective communication. The role of communication in nursing profession is one of the significant aspects, where recent studies have depicted that many educated nurses face challenge to take care of the patients according to their requirements fundamentally because of linguistic barriers (Allen & Dip, 2007). Stating precisely, language skills play a significant role in the nursing profession which is quite essential in order to faci litate superior treatment to patients belonging from different ethnicity or cultural background. This enables the nurses to understand the needs of the patients more effectively as well as comprehend the information related to the healthcare with minimum chances of misinterpretation from the patients’ end. ... Statement of the Problem Based on the significance of language skills among nurses, the problem to be examined in this study will emphasise that whether nurse practitioners who have obtained the course of Spanish language will facilitate better treatment for the Spanish patients in comparison to those practitioners who do not possess Spanish language skills. The philosophy behind the identified problem or research issue has been based on the belief that communicating in similar language is likely to facilitate effective communication process between the nurse and the patient, confirming better quality healthcare services. In the present scenario of globalization, language has apparently emerged as an essential skill for the nurse practitioners owing to the fact that they need to handle patients belonging to different cultures and linguistic backgrounds. Thus, the research issue in concern denotes that a practitioner who does not have the knowledge of Spanish language will not able to provide necessary care to the Spanish patients. Significance of the Problem for Nursing and Health The problems concerning the communication skills of the nurse practitioners can be observed as quite crucial in the present day context. From a generalized perspective, it can be affirmed that nurses who do not have the knowledge of a particular language will not be able to deliver superior quality care to an individual who belongs to that particular linguistic background. Based on this assumption, this study will attempt to emphasize upon the communication gap resulting because of the linguistic differences existing between nurse practitioners and the patients in the modern day global healthcare sector. Hence, focusing upon the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Report on a professional meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report on a professional meeting - Essay Example It is something that everyone, including those across the political spectrum would agree that the country faces growing crisis. No doubt Great British has one of the world’s worst building stock with7 million homes warped into abject poverty. For the past three years just two million cavity walls were insulated. Kirsty Warle reiterated that even though enough efficiency will save money up front; many people, especially the younger generation were faced with financial constraints making hard for them to own homes, and thus are forced to live with parents because they cannot afford rent. Warle also stated that many Britons are nowadays increasingly worrying about keeping their homes warn in the depth of winter more than they are concerned about climate protection. Many of these people find themselves in payment difficulties. The issue of fuel poverty has, glaringly, been overlooked, and there in no measure in place that can supplement low-income households. The speaker also touched on the willingness of Green Deal Company that is looking forward to implementing a viable program that will be determined to help low-income-households with refurbishing solid cavity walls, once it’s approved by the government. Kirsty also reminded the audience in attendance that Institute of Sustainability Chief Executive of East Thames Building Institution work has been tried. His work include flash program, which is primarily concerned with refurbishment of the future UCL, working closely with supply chain contractors, suppliers and users, amid others. For the refurbishment of t he future to be successfully effective, helping contractors through training them should be considered. The buying of upgraded houses, which could include council houses, could also assist to avoiding refurbishing backlog in the future. On the same length, low-income house holds worry a lot too much

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategy- the question below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategy- the question below - Essay Example expected to rise gradually and record a steady flow of revenue, the economy is going to recover, and consumers are going to have more disposable income available for purchasing both premium and private label brands. This will enhance the average transaction sizes for grocery stores and supermarkets. According to Quelch, the Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Industry, which is in the mature stage of its life cycle, will be in the next couple years preceding 2019.The supermarkets and grocery industry contribution to the GDP of the economy is predicted to remain flat. An industry’s contribution to the economy is measured by the industry’s value added or simply (IVA).However, the country’s GDP is expected to rise to an estimated average level of 2.5% annually despite the fall in the growth of the supermarket industry. According to Korda, 2012, an industry is terms as declining when its growth falls below the GDP’s annual growth level. This should however not ala rm you because supermarkets and groceries have in the past-recorded low profit margins leading to a lowering of the whole’s industry contribution to the economy. Other factors contributing to the industry’s slow growth include the intense competition in the food retailing industry which cays a reduction in the profit margins of the retail stores. The introduction of new entrants to the industry (Edli and Aldi) are bound to result in lower profit margins for our company in the future if necessary measures are not taken like adopting a cost advantage strategy. There are a number of reasons why the supermarket should adopt the cost advantage strategy. Berinstein, 2003, argues that a firm pursuing a cost-leadership strategy attempts to gain a competitive advantage primarily by reducing its economic costs below its competitors. Wm Supermarket is a big supermarket. It therefore has the advantage of economies of scale. The supermarket has a very high level of production and is therefore able to buy and use

Monday, August 26, 2019

Positive Effects of Balancing Government Budget Essay

Positive Effects of Balancing Government Budget - Essay Example This essay outlines the importance of maintaining a balanced government budget to the state of a national economy. Governments should balance their budget to ensure that it operates comfortably on its revenues, within its means. Government obtains revenue from three major sources. These are through direct taxes, borrowing, and printing money. When the government imposes taxes, funds from entrepreneurs, businessmen, personal incomes and capitalists are collected. These funds are channeled to the treasury, where politicians and policy makers control on how to spend in a given particular financial year. Balancing budget enables the government to set and make realist financial judgments, which are not at the expense of the taxpayers. The current global recession has drastically reduced the level of income both at individual and national levels, as a result of job losses and shrinking of major markets. Balancing government budget would be beneficial in a number of ways. It would enable the government to control and critically analyze its spending. This will enable it to prioritize on the most important sectors, for example health, education, housing, security and welfare of workers. This would cushion these key areas from incurring budgetary deficits during periods of financial crises. Balancing government budget just as in personal budgets encourages utilization of resources more wisely. The government owes the taxpayers an obligation to use their money on provision of certain goods and services.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

HR portfolio for the position of Human Resource Executive Dissertation

HR portfolio for the position of Human Resource Executive - Dissertation Example Managing the largest crude oil reserves in the world amounting to 260.1 billion barrels, Saudi Aramco also accounts for the fourth largest gas reserves in the world (Saudi Aramco, 2012). Employees hailing from more than 70 different nations in the world; the organization demonstrates a highly efficient and advanced human resource management structure. The HR department of the company works hard for the development of a workforce which makes effective contributions towards the growth and success of the organization. Additionally the company’s high popularity as a preferred employer reflects the degree of comfort and convenience it provides to the employees working in the organization (Cocks & Laframboise, 1995, p.1-3). HR portfolio for the position of Human Resource Executive is developed in this assignment. This particular position makes contribution towards the organizations in terms of staffing, recruitment, selection, compensation strategies, training and performance management. The position is essentially crucial for aligning HR activities with business requirements of the organization. Decisions taken by the management are communicated to people at this position who are subsequently responsible for implementing them and accomplishing the desired task. Besides the conventional HR activities the position also adapts itself with the external environment of the organization. It has the important role of constantly trying to be innovative and its strategies, and improving and developing the workforce of the organization such that it can cater to the changing needs of the business (Boudreau & Jesuthasan, 2011, â€Å"Your HR Portfolio†). b. Outline the strategic importance of the job to the o rganisation The skills possessed by an organization accounts for one of its major competitive factors. It is the quality of the workforce which reflects through organizational performance and productivity. The competition for talent has prevailed in all organizations, big or small since decades and continues to do so. In this context HR departments have a leading role to play. Acquisition of talents from the industry as per the demands of the organization plays a critical role in ensuring performance output of the workforce as per the desired standards. A mismatch between desired and actual talent can result in reduced performance levels. Thus the role of Hr executives has strategic implications in the organization as they support the attainment of strategic aims and objectives of the firm. HR executives necessarily work towards the achievement of business objectives of the firms. The strategic decision as to whether an employee can be recruited for meeting the firm’s product ivity and performance lies in the hands of HR executives. Training and developmental

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the Essay

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the product market - Essay Example Another group of stakeholders beyond these three categories form the secondary stakeholders which include the government, communities, etc.., The capital market stakeholders such as the investors, debt suppliers and banks would want to have a right to decide what the organization has to do in order to maximise the shareholder wealth. However, the organizational stakeholders such as the employees and the unions have a claim on how the company operates to achieve the objectives. On the contrary, the product market stakeholders are concerned with the way they will be affected by the firm (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The product market stakeholders include the suppliers and the customers. These stakeholders have an important role to play in the organization and its value, and in turn, have a major effect on the other stakeholders of the firm. The customers of a firm expect high value from the firm in all their encounters. However, they will also have a lot of choices in the market for the product or service, and hence the prices have to be attractive to them. The customers choose a product or service, not only based on the quality but also on the costs involved. Hence their primary expectation or demand from the firm is a reliable and high quality product at the lowest cost (Sloman, Sutcliffe, 2004). The suppliers on the other hand have a considerable power over the firm, as they control the basic products or services required by the firm in its value chain. The power of the suppliers and their claims in the firm differ based on the availability and the level of competition in their products and services. In case of a supplier having a monopoly in the market, the supplier will have a high level of claims in the firm’s activities and will not be affected profoundly due to other stakeholders (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004). However, in an open market with a number of suppliers, the firm and its

Explore the ways in which late antique or medieval Christian thought Essay

Explore the ways in which late antique or medieval Christian thought (i.e. St. Thomas Aquinas) compares and contrasts with Greek philosophy (i.e. Plato and Aris - Essay Example Let us try to see what these similarities and contrasts were between them on example of the role that was played by the dichotomy that separated the world into opposing realms, such as ideas and matter in the Greek philosophy, and spirit and flesh or faith and reason in the Christian thought. In general, for the formation of the Christian thought probably the most important was its early period when this presently dominant religion was searching to define itself. The Romans widely propagated Greek culture and in this way Christianity found itself in the Greco-Roman society amidst pronounced philosophical and religious confrontation. It was integration of competing philosophies and of the rich Hellenistic philosophical heritage into the Christian world view that served as a winning strategy for the Christian religion. Before the first statements regarding the general doctrine of the church were made in the 4th century, philosophical theology was becoming more important than direct revelation in determining the essential Christian doctrines. At the same time, not all of the early church scholars had the same view on the available heritage of secular knowledge, which was mainly Greek. For instance, Tertullian in 2nd century treated the secular knowledge as unnecessary in co mparison to scriptures, but his coeval Clement of Alexandria defended the usefulness of the Greek secular heritage, and of philosophy in general, as a proper addition to the gospel. In the 3rd century Origen of Alexandria went even further and claimed that there actually was a philosophical school that through reason confirmed the gospel. For Origen this school was represented by the philosophy of Neoplatonists - the further development of Platonic philosophy initiated by Plotinus - with its views on the essence of God and divine relation to the world and man. In the end, this position of Origen prevailed and thus Neoplatonism assumed the role of the basic philosophical theory that to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Are silver dressings helping in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers Essay

Are silver dressings helping in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers - Essay Example In spite of the progress made over the decades in the understanding and treatment of these complex chronic wounds, most wounds do not respond to conventional treatments. Silver has been used for centuries in the treatment of wounds. The antimicrobial properties of silver are well documented since ancient times. Even as early as 750AD, silver vessels were used to store water in recognition of silver’s medicinal properties. Crede is credited for producing the first scientific papers in 1881, on the use of silver for preventing eye infection in neonates. In 1965, Moyer et al reported on the antibacterial action of 0.5% silver nitrate compresses applied to extensive burns (Maillard, 2006). Commonly used vehicles for delivery of silver include foams, alginates, films, sheets and hydrocolloids. In addition, a number of technologies like silver salts, absorbed ionic silver (in silver charcoal metallic silver products), and nanocrystalline silver coatings (silver vapour sprayed onto the backings of dressing materials) are available that are capable of releasing varying concentrations of silver cations to wounds (Maillard, 2006). The increased prevalence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has resulted in advances in impregnation techniques and polymer technologies. A variety of silver-based dressings, varying in their structure, formulation and concentration of silver are now available. These dressings are designed to improve healing by reducing or controlling the wound bioburden (Maillard, 2006) Since diabetic foot ulcers are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, it becomes imperative to use an ideal antimicrobial dressing, which also takes into account the increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The aim of this study is to review literature for evidence regarding the use of various silver-based dressings and their efficacy in diabetic foot ulcers. Original articles

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Decline of Mughal Empire Essay Example for Free

Decline of Mughal Empire Essay Various explanations are put forward for the revolts which brought about the collapse of the Mughal Empire. There has existed for a long time the thesis of â€Å"Hindu Reaction† as the main factor behind the revolts against Aurangzeb. Its proponents tent, however, to rely more on present sentiment than on contemporary evidence. Main concern is with what 17th and early 18th century texts have to say; and they, at any rate, put the greatest store by the economic and administrative causes of the upheaval and hardly ever refer to religious reaction or consciousness of nationality. The assignment system, as it was established and worked under the great Mughals, necessarily presupposed the prevalence of a certain type of economic order. The jagirs were divorced, as far as possible, from any permanent rights to the land, and were essentially assignments of revenue, assessed in terms of money. This suited best an economy where the cash nexus was well established; but that in turn meant that agrarian trade should have been both brisk and extensive. Both these conditions were present in Mughal India. At the same time, commercial activity could prosper best under an imperial system with its uniform methods of tax collection and administration and its control of the routes. In so far, therefore, as the assignment system strengthened imperial power it also reinforced the economic foundation of its own existence. Unlike the feudal lord of Western Europe, the Mughal jagirdar might not have needed to harbour any fear of money and trade undermining his power. The unity and cohesion of the Mughal ruling class found its practical expression in the absolute power of the emperor. The jagidari as an individual member of the government class had theoretically no right or privileges apart from those received from the emperor: he could not manage his jagir just as he pleased, and was required to conform to imperial regulation. The rate of the land revenue demand and the methods by which it was to be assessed and collected were all prescribed by the imperial administration. The emperor also decreed what other taxes were to be collected. The conduct of the jagirdar and his agents was supposed to be watched over and checked by officials such as qanungos and chaudhuris, and faujdars and news-writers. Imperial revenue policy was obviously shaped by 2 basic considerations. First, since military contingents were maintained by the mansabdars out of the revenues of their jagirs, the tendency was to set the revenue demand so high as to secure the greatest military strength for the empire. But, secondly, it was clear that if the revenue rate was raised so high as to leave the peasant not enough for his survival, the revenue collections could soon fall in absolute terms. The revenue demand as set by the imperial authorities was thus designed ideally to approximate to the surplus produce, leaving the peasant just the barest minimum needed for subsistence. It was this appropriation of the surplus produce that created the great wealth of the Mughal ruling class. The contrast was accordingly striking between â€Å"the rich in their great superfluity and the utter subjection and poverty of the common people†. There seems, moreover to have been a tendency, increasing in its effect with time, to press still harder upon the peasant. This tendency seemed to derive from the very nature of the jagir system. The imperial administration, which could observe the long-term interest of the empire and the ruling class, did, probably, strive to set a limit to the revenue demand. A great increase in revenue demand was approved in the course of 17th century is based on an oversimplified view of the evidence; and there are indications that the increase in cash rates did not outstrip the increase in the prices of the interest agricultural produce. But there was an element of contra ion between the interests of the imperial administration and the individual jagirdar. A jagirdar, whose assignment was liable to be transferred any moment and who never held the same jagir for more than 3 or 4 years at the most, could have no interest in following a far-sighted policy of agricultural development. His personal interests would sanction any act of oppression that conferred an immediate benefit upon him, even if it ruined the peasantry and so destroyed the revenue-paying capacity of that area for long time. Owing to the constant and unpredictable transfers of jagirs, Bhimsen tells us late in Aurangzeb’s reign, the agents of the jagirdars had given up the practice of helping the peasantry or making firm arrangements. Moreover, the ‘amils of the jagirdars were not sure of their own tenures of employment and so,† proceeding tyrannically†, were unrelenting in the collection of revenue. When the jagirdar, instead of appointing his agents to collect the revenue, farmed out the jagir, the evil was worse still. The land was being laid waste, says Sadiq khan, writing of Shahjahan’s reign, through bribery and revenue farming, as a result of which the peasantry was being robbed and plundered. These statements show that in 17th century the belief had become deep-rooted that the system of jagir transfers led inexorably to a reckless exploitation of the peasantry. It was a result which the imperial administration might check for some time but could not ultimately prevent. It was inevitable that the actual burden on the peasantry should become so heavy in some areas as to encroach upon their means of survival. Manuchy, who on this occasion assumes the viewpoint of the ruling class, declares that they have no money. The chastisements and instruments [of torture] are very severe. They are also made to endure hunger and thirst†¦. They feigns death (as sometimes really happens)†¦. but this trick secures them no compassion†¦. Frequently, therefore, the peasants were compelled to sell their women, children and cattle in order to meet the revenue demand. But the enslavement was not generally so voluntary. They are carried off, attached to heavy iron chains, to various market and fair, with their poor, unhappy wives behind them carrying their small children in their arms, all crying and lamenting their evil situation. Failure to pay the revenue was not the only cause for which such punishment was inflicted upon the peasants. It was the general law in Mughal Empire that if any robbery occurred within the assignment or jurisdiction, respective, of a jagirdar or a faujdar, he was obliged to either trace the culprits and recover the loot, or make the payment himself. In Gujarat, a Dutch traveler noted in 1629 that â€Å"the peasants are more oppressed than formerly and frequently abscond†, so that the revenues had fallen. What the condition were during the early years of Aurangzeb’s reign may be judged from Bernier’s long discourse on the ills of the Mughal Empire. He too declares that â€Å"a considerable portion of the good land remains untilled from the want of peasants†, many of whom â€Å"perish in consequence of the bad treatment they receive from the Governors†, or are left no choice but to â€Å"abandon the country†. Bernier sights example of peasants leaving â€Å"the country† to â€Å"seek a more tolerable mode of existence either in towns or in the camps; as bearers of burdens, carriers of water, or servants to horsemen†. The urban population was large, relatively speaking, and the countryside must have been the source of the innumerable â€Å"peons†, and unskilled labourers who filled the towns. The lot of the aimless migrant was not a happy one. A point could accordingly arrive where there was no choice left to the peasant but that between starvation or slavery and armed resistance. It may be unnecessary to say that by willingness the mass of the people were anything but warlike. It is recorded as a peculiarity of Malwa that both the peasants and artisans of the province used to carry arms. Pelsaert (c. 1626) observed that despite so much misery and want:†the people endure patiently, professing that they do not deserve anything better†. Nevertheless, there was a limit to endurance. The classic act of defiance on the part of the peasants was the refusal to pay land revenue. But a particular act of oppression committed against them might also goad them into rebellion. They are also frequently alleged to have taken to robbery; Villages and areas, which thus went into rebellion or refused to pay taxes, were known as mawas and zor-talab, as opposed to the revenue-paying village, called raiyati. Usually, the villages, which were protected in some measures by ravines or forests or hills, were more likely to defy the authorities than those in the open plains. Very often acts of defiance by the peasants were mere isolated incidents. The intensity of distress probably varied from village to village, according to the burden of the revenue demand imposed upon each. But distress to be translated into armed resistance required the presence of some other factors as well. Since weaponry was crucial to even the initial success of any act of defiance, the readiness of the upper strata of peasants, possessed of muskets or swords, might often determine whether such an act would take place at all. However, there were still two social forces remained working among the peasantry, which could help to ignite, and extent the scale of such peasant uprisings. The real transformation of peasant unrest was probably brought about by the intervention of elements from the zamindar class that had their own motives in opposing the Mughal ruling class. This came through two distinct processes: either the peasant rebellions, at some stages of their development, passed under the leadership of zamindars or, from the very beginning, the desperation of the peasants provided recruits for rebelling zamindars. The rising of the oppressed thus became inseparable from the conflict between two oppressing classes. Official texts frequently reflect an attitude of hostility towards the zamindars as a class. Abu –l Fazl declares that â€Å"the custom of most of the zamindars of Hindustan is that leaving the path of single-mindedness they look to every side and whoever appears more powerful and tumult-raising, they join him†. In southwestern Bengal in 1695-98 the mughal authority was seriously shaken by the rebellion of Sobhs Singh, â€Å"the zamindar of Chitwa and Barda†, who was joined by Rahim khan, â€Å"the chief of the tribe of the perdition-marked Afghans† of the area: the loyal zamindar of Burdwan was killed, and the area on both sides of the Hugli River ravaged. The struggle between the imperial administration and the zamindars, breaking out frequently into armed conflict, was thus an important feature of the political situation. Under A’zam khan, governor of Gujarat (1632-42), the peasants suffered great oppression, â€Å"most of them fled and took refuge with the zamindars in distant places†. A’zam khan thereupon led an expel the peasants who had fled to his territory, so that they might return to their old homes. In Malwa, in 1644, a similar campaign was organized against the â€Å"zamindar† of Ginnur, not only because â€Å"the peasants of some of the mahals of the jagir of the governor, who had fled to the territory of Ginnur , evaded paying the revenue as well, being backed in this by those infidels†. The peasants and thus frequently became associated in the struggle against Mughal authorities. The new feature that comes to the fore in the reign of Aurangzeb is, indeed, that the zamindars struggle against the Mughal is no longer merely defensive. As the number of starving, homeless peasants grew and the peasants took to arms themselves, it became possible for the zamindars to organize them into large bands, and even armies, and employ them in predatory warfare with the object of extending their own zamindars or areas of dominance. In 1623 it was reported to the court that of â€Å"ganwars and cultivators† on the eastern side of the Yamuna, near Mathura, â€Å"do not cease to commit highway robbery and, protected by dense jungle and fastnesses, live in rebellion, have no fear of anyone and do not pay the revenue to the jagirdars†. In 1645 the â€Å"rebels† near Mathura were apparently still out of control. Such had been the past history of the area which was to be the cradle of the Jat revolt in the time of Aurangzeb. In the accounts of the earlier revolts, the revolting peasants are not identified as Jats. The usual term for them is ganwar, or villager, and in one or two cases, at least, they were probably led by Rajput zamindars. Nevertheless Manchy, who treats of their revolts in some detail, knows the Jat rebels of Aurangzeb’s reign also as simply â€Å"peasants† and assumes them to be the partisans of the same cause as of those whom Akbar had oppressed. The Jat rebellion, properly speaking, dates from the time when Gokula Jat, the zamindar of Talpat near Mathura, â€Å"assembled a large army of Jats and other villagers and raised a rebellion†. He was killed in 1670; but the leadership passed to Raja Ram Jat (d. 1688) and then to Churaman Jat, who is said to have been the son of a zamindar of 11 villages. Over wide areas the peasants refused to pay revenue and took to arms. In1681 Multafat Khan, the faujdar of the district around Agra, was killed when leading an attack on village whose peasants had refused to pay the revenue. The leadership of the Jat rebellion lay in the hands of zamindars is established not only from the known antecedents of its chief men, but also from their conduct. Churaman, for example, is said to have â€Å"seized a number of Churamars [tanners], who are called the menials of Hindus and entrusted [the upkeep of] the ditch [at Bharatpur] to them†. The Jat revolt grew in time into a large plundering movement. This was, perhaps, inevitable under the narrow caste horizons of the peasants and the plundering instincts of their zamindar leaders. The areas devastated expanded from the one pargana of around Agra, sacked by Raja Ram, to its highest extent under Churaman, when â€Å"all the parganas under Agra and Delhi had been sacked and plundered and, from the tumult of that perdition-seeker, the routes and ways were blocked†. The Jat rebels had no connection with any particular religious movement. In the Satnami and Sikh rebellions, on the other hand, religion almost entirely replaced caste as the cementing bond among rebel ranks. The Satnamis were a sect of the Bairgis. The traditional date of the foundation of this sect by a native of Narnaul is 1657. The Satnami beliefs, as stated in the sect’s scripture, centred round an unalloyed monothesim. Ritual and superstition were alike condemned, and allegiance was explicitly rendered to Kabir. There was also a definite social aspect of the message. Caste distinctions within the community of believers were forbidden; so also one’s living on the charity of others. An attitude of sympathy with the poor and hostility towards uthority and wealth is apparent from such commandments as the following: â€Å"do not harass the poor†¦shun the company of an unjust king and a wealthy and dishonest man; do not accept a gift from these or from kings†. Such a religion could best appeal to the lower classes. In a possible to them made during the early years of Aurangzeb, a revenue official declared that though certain â€Å"cultivators† in a village in the pargana of Bhatnair were â€Å"l iving with their women, children, possessions and cattle in the garb of Bairagis†, they were â€Å"not free from the thoughts of sedition and robbery†. The revolt in fact began (1672) as a rural affray. Just as it has been said of Islam that it is a â€Å"religion for towns-people†, so it will, perhaps, not wrong to say that Sikhism is a peasant religion. The verses of Guru Nanak â€Å"are all in the language of the Jatts of the Punjab. And Jatt in the dialect of the Punjab means a villager, a rustic†. Guru Arjan (d. 1606) took the first step in creating a well-knit and disciplined organization. The Sikh became a military power under Guru Hargobind (1606-45), who created an army of his own, and, as a result, came into armed collision with Mughal power. He thus founded a tradition, which was doggedly continued by the last Guru, Gobind Singh (1676-1708), till; finally, in 1709-10 Banda was able to put into the field in sarkar Sirhind â€Å"an army of innumerable men, like ants and locusts, belonging to the low castes of Hindus and ready to die† at his orders. The Marathas undoubtedly constituted the greatest single force responsible for the downfall of the Mughal Empire. On the history of their uprising, and the factors that contributed to its genesis and success, so much has been written that it would seem presumptuous to add to the mass. One can, however, legitimately draw attention to the agrarian contexts in which this momentous event took place. Some peasants are not remiss in paying the authorized revenue, but are made desperate by the evil of this excruciating spoliation it came to be represented at the imperial court that the Marathas obtain collaboration from the peasants of the imperial dominions. It was, thereupon, ordered that the horses and weapons found in every village should be confiscated. When this happened in most villages, the peasants, providing themselves with horses and arms, joined the Marathas. Shivaji had used the peasants in a different sphere altogether. They were the â€Å"Naked Starved Rascals† who formed much of his army. Armed with â€Å"only lances and long sword two inches wide†, they were â€Å"good at Surprising and Ransacking†, but not â€Å"for a pitched Field†. They had to live by plunder only, for Shivaji’s reputed maxim was: â€Å"No Plunder, no pay†. This was the form of salvation which Shivaji and his successors held out to the destitute peasantry of the Dakhin. As Bhimsen’s account shows, the military operations of the Marathas did not offer any relief to the cultivating peasants. On the contrary, they suffered grievously from the ravages of both the Maratha armies and their opponents. In 1671 the castellan of Udgir reported that reported that owing to the operations of â€Å"the imperial forces and the villainous enemy† all the peasants had fled the pargana and for two years no revenue had been collected, the Mughal too would burn villages, devastate the crop and enslave men and women. As the range of the conflict grew, and the number of victims increased, a still larger number of the â€Å"naked starved rascals†, themselves plundered, had no alternative left but to join the Marathas and become plunderers themselves. And so the unending circle went on. â€Å"There is no province or district,† confesses Aurangzeb in his last years, where the infidels have not raised a tumult and since they are not chastised, they have established themselves everywhere. Most of the country has been rendered desolate and if any place is inhabited, the peasants there have probably come to terms with the ‘Robbers’ [Ashqiya, official Mughal name for the Marathas]†¦ If the peasant distress was at the root of these rebellions that shook the Mughal Empire to its foundations, the rebellions themselves represent a historical paradox in that the alleviation of such distress nowhere forms part of rebels’ proclaimed objectives or of their actual deeds and measures.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Managing human resource

Managing human resource Managing human resource Organizations and corporations are multifaceted. Such complexity within a business necessitates the need to strategic approach to the management of the employees, whose task is to enable the business to achieve its objectives. Human capital is an imperative asset of an organization and proper use of a potent assent can construct a successful and resourceful organization. In an organization, human capital can make or break an objective or a strategy. The human resource department is the most important departments of an organization. Almost all activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining effective workforce are implemented in this department. The functions of human resource management are, but are not limited to, hiring the right candidates, at the right time, and at the right price. It also involves training the existing employees, motivating them to give the best to the organization, resolving conflicts, discipline the employees who violate the organizations rules and regulation, as well as downsizing of the staff strength. Managing human resource is difficult as the job deals with solely installing the organizational culture into employees and keeping them happy in the work environment. In essence, this can be accomplished in theory, but is quite difficult in practice. The different aspects of human resource management can be broadly categorized into recruitment and selection, performance management, benefits and compensation, disciplinary and grievances, labor relation, and manpower planning. Recruitment involves the process of advertising job through magazines, newspaper, headhunting, employment agencies, internal sourcing, and organizations newsletter. The purpose of recruitment is to attract as many candidates as possible, to enable the organization pick the most talented and motivated workers. The aspect of recruitment should be taken serious by human resource managers as the employees have to be suitable for the job so that their contribution can earn the organization long-term security in a framework of maximized profit. A good way of managing human resources involves succession planning, making sure that the company never runs out of right persons for any position, should any position fall vacant. In addition, through a systematic training and development, a talented-lowly paid worker can reach a senior management level. Training of employees is a crucial task in an organization, to ensure that the workers can do their job effectively and efficiently. The employees salary and compensation schemes should be competitive in the industry to keep them motivated. In addition, the department provides advice to employees seeking information about insurance and other schemes. In an organization, the performance system appropriately reviews and rewards the employees accordingly. Human resource managers have to know how to reward the different staffs holding different position. Every organization has rules and regulations; it is the role of the human resource managers to ensure that employee knows when he goes wrong, and to punish him accordingly. The punishment administered may involve verbal warning, written warning, demotion, and dismissal. However, aggrieved cases should be handled in this department. Matters involving employees can also be addressed by the labor union. An organization should serve as a bridge between the union and its employees, and work toward resolving such conflicts to minimize strained labor relationship. The human resource team has to conduct the manpower planning for the future. If the company is suffering from excess manpower, the human resource department has to work with severance package, and conduct retrenchment exercise. Managing human resources is part of business management. It involves resources planning, strategic planning, and dealing with human emotion. Whilst there may be other roles included with the human resource management package, those outlined above are considered to include the most important aspects that serves the employees for the best outcome in the company.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Single Child Policy In China

The Single Child Policy In China In 1978-1979 the Chinese government installed an ambitious program of market reform following the economic stagnation of Cultural Revolution. In mid 70-80 china was home of quarter of the worlds population who were having just 7% of world land. More than two third of the population were under the age of 30 years. The baby boomers of the year 1950-1960 were entering their reproductive years. So it was getting important to control the population for the economic reform and to an improvement in living standards, so they introduced one child policy. (Massachusetts medical Society, 2005) This policy consists of different set of rules and regulations .government governing the size of families, sometimes late marriages, child bearing and family planning. This also restricts to couple to one child for one couple but it still allow few cases like twins, rural couple , ethnic minorities and couples who are both only one children themselves. By this policy china controlled more than 250 million births between 1980 and 2000(BBC September, 2012) and about 400 million by 1979-2011(People Daily online, October 2011) This policy is a controversial issue within and outside the china, because how it was implemented, good and bad consequences of the negative social concerns. Due to this policy there were other problems and concerns rose which are against human rights. Forced abortions were increased, female infanticide and under reporting of female birth. These are the main reason of gender imbalance in china, but still after the survey done by Pew Research Center roughly 76% of people living in china accept this policy.(Pew Research Centre ,2012) As now we know about the policy and its implementation, merits and demerits, so now I have to take a clear stand is that policy is ethically justifiable or not and I will go with that is this policy is not ethically justifiable but there are a lot of examples which are proven that with this policy china has controlled population of country so I will be comparing both of the sides of the policy with final conclusion against this policy. First I will discuss about the demerits of over population. Over population is a condition where an organism number exceed the carrying capacity. This is a direct link between human population and its environment. The main reason for the over population is increase in birth and decline in mortality rate. The current population of china is 1319175364 which make china the first most populated country of the world. (US Census Bureau, 2012) China represents a full 20% of world population so every one in every five people on the earth is a Chinese.(Washington Institute of China Studies ,2007) So due to over population because other different problems also like: Healthy Living this is the one of the main concern of the people who is living there because the health resources are limited like fresh air, fresh pure clean water, and greenery which people all people are not getting. Equal opportunities-people living in china to them when comes to access some of the things like public sector jobs, examinations few people dont get those opportunities because either they are not rich enough to support or some other factors. Access to medical treatment- as china is growing up faster the amount of people getting sick and getting congenital disease are also increasing which is also directly related to the cost of treatment, government cant provide those expensive treatments to everyone so a lot of poor people die because of no access of hospital or clinics. Controlling big population- it is not an easy job for the government of china to control 1.5 billion people; police always have hard time when there is any riot, national events going on. Traffic problem. Due to over population need of vehicles on the road is increasing which is creating big heavy traffic jam on the road, and government always try hard to provide public transport but due to more number of passengers travelling that also become hard. Good quality higher education- As families had more number of children at their home which sometimes is also a problem i.e. children cant get good higher education reason behind this is education nowadays is expensive and parents cant afford all their kids the same education. Violation of human rights- like different activities happening often in china which violate human rights like female feticide, gang rapes, abortions.( ,2012) So now I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of one child policy. Advantages The growth of the population decreases: if there was no one child policy in china the population of china must be 2.4 billion today. By this Chinese people are getting more benefits like: Free/cheap health checkups. Their kids are getting god or best education. Women get extra three month maternity leave. Parents have good bond with children, like it will be easy to divide time with one child and it makes it easier to know each other and needs. Disadvantages They dont have any siblings and there is nothing like cousins called in china because everyone is child of the family. Forced Abortions: As we all know abortion are legal in china but having forced abortion is against human rights. Female Infanticide: People kill their daughter because they think they will have only one child and if thats a female then who will take family business and bring up family to generations. 87% of all married women use contraception and abortion which is also not healthy for the females health condition. Ethical Perspectives The one child policy raises many ethical concerns one individuals own liberty, collective rights and state sovereignty. We all understand that will less population there will less environment degradation and pollution but according to me whose rights are more important individual or collective? This one child policy in china asks questions towards the individual rights and collective rights in the community. As per Lockes view in any of the society an individual have the basic human right and more important their negative liberty and rights or the freedom to have choices for self development without other interference.(William Uzgalis John Locke,2006) This one child policy provide community growth which may provide higher quality of life i.e. can be serve malnutrition, good care of medical illness and social and economic problems are uncommon. Communitarians: As we all know china is a communist country so they have only one peoples party ruling the whole big nation. The communitarian argument is derived from Jean Jacques Rousseav Communitarian argue the survival of the community must be protected because individual member depend on it for their self identity, the organization of collective action and the production of public goods So this lighten the view that state of nature as they have not yet developed the capacity to reason . So a communitarian would for the individual thinks, thoughts, individual rights and autonomy for the benefits of the community. (Modern China, 465, 1987) Utilitarian Approaches: It is an ethical theory in which there are basically more happiness and reduced suffering which is based on the word utility. So as per china one child policy peoples behavioral choices are counted and those choices reflect their course of action. By increasing the pleasure and minimizing the pain china is using utilitarian approach perfectly. International Human Rights: Chinas one child policy is seems to be based on utilitarian approach. They argue that policy is installed according to the fairness standards as every family is entitled to have one child and in addition to this those families are getting financial incentive like bonus, better housing options and three months maternity leave which as per rule to international provisions of human rights but on the other side as per policy only one child is allowed per couple so communitarian would be against of those who claim individual reproductive right against the policy of single child.(American Political Science Review,2001) Western Asian Preferences of Individual Rights: China one child policy is mostly offended by the violation of human rights and laws. They argue that as western countries have their own official languages as a mean to protecting communal harmony and Identity similarly Chinese government has the right to implement of population related policies is the responsibility of each and every country and should take a stand into account the economic, social and environmental diversity with respect to all religious and ethical values at international conference on population development in (cairo 1994). This policy also disturbs the fundamental human right of every couple to decide freely the number and spacing of their children. Chinese government relative this policy as Duty to act responsibly in a manner which will benefit their family and community as whole (Population and Development review, 1996) Success and flaw of Chinas One Child Policy Chinas population is both the countrys greatest weakness and strength. China is world 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest exporter. The more population in china makes it cheap labor which attracted a lot of foreign investment. This policy accelerated chinas economic growth in past 2 decades which also helped to create highly educated skilled and more efficient work force. It was reported in 2001, there were almost 20,000 forced abortions and sterilization occurred to the people of Huai ji in Guangdong province of china because those people were not following the rules of this policy.(Telegraph Media Group,2012) After that in 2002 china stopped the physical force to force for the abortion, but still there are news on regular basis of abortion and violence. Even there is news about the killing of the babies during the pregnancy of eight months or its more horrifying of killing of baby during labor in birth canal or immediately after birth. Tons of thousands of children with birth defects, disabilities are handed over to state funded orphanages that often have poor facilities which now become house of adoption of girls for the rich western people. In 2001 there was official 55,000 adoptions registered. So what do you think are these children guaranteed a better life but I am pretty much sure that they will lose all traces of their Chinese identity? (Wei Guo Zhang, 2006) In addition to this one child policy also disturb the male -female birth rate ratio. The sex ratio in main land china is 118: 100. So this means there are 18 extra boys for every 100 girls born which compared to global natural baseline of 103:100. Even the state population and family planning commission admit this problem and think this will create big problem in coming future i.e. finding partner by the time they will reach adulthood or reproductive age. As according to survey there will be 30 million more men than women in 2020. (BBC, 2012) Since 90s there is other problem rising weather this single child will be over pampered. There have been seen many over pampered children in society with poor social communication and cooperation skills. As in upper text I mentioned about the over pampered children, so now here I am going to focus on the policy positive and negative effects of single child . As per (Quoss and Zhao,1995) parents are usually the most important socialization agents in their young age. This gives an impact on their child to learn about social relationship. In addition to this parent- child relationship are complicated cultural, ideological, political, economic and social factor but main can be psychological, cultural and structural to understand parent child relationship. It is assumed those children are the empty vessels which are filled with parents socially defined values. So mostly children learn from parents attitude and behavior. If child is not recognized as an active social person this means he is influenced by parents. These changes in the family structure and size have some major effects i.e. shorting of family tree, weakening of cooperation in the groups and the changes in the way how parents treat their children. According to Cardwell wealth- Flow theory (1982, 1976) the wealth from younger to older generations is related to high fertility rate same as wealth flow from the older to the younger generation is related to low fertility rate. But in China they have only one child there is nothing like that seen which either improve or spoil the parent -child relation. The nations one child policy has lead to the reduced number of births which have highlighted children value in the family and caused more flow of family resources towards that only child. Chinas successful implementation of population control policy shortened the way to Cordwells equilibrium of wealth flow and birth rate declination. Population and Socio Economic Development This over growing population even one child will be creating big problems by 2040. There will be four main challenges faced by Chinese population. Agriculture : Food challenge: It will be a problem of producing sufficient grain for the expending population, as country is growing faster, people are moving to cities and no one is doing more agriculture and because of population explosion there will not be enough spaces to grow crops which will give Chinese community a very hard time in upcoming years. Employment Challenge: It is one of the main signals to economic performance which is correlated with income distribution, poverty and social stability. Before rural people used to depend on agriculture but now its hard to depend as living standards are getting high and 40% of rural labor are not fully utilized or they are under employed and need to be re employed.(Taylor and Banister 1991 ; Shen and Spence 1995) Urbanization challenge: fast pace industrialization and urbanization will be a drastic change in rural-urban population shift. The speed of urbanization was very slow in 1970s as compared to other developing counties (shen, 1994). A large number of towns and small cities are immerged to bigger cities. Old cities are rapidly expanding .Shanghai. increased its urban area from 141 to 230 square kilometer; rapid urbanization resulted in the arable land available Homosexuality In china Associated with One Child Policy. There is also one other problem arising in china because having a single child and that child being homosexual. Homosexuality is legal in china since 1997, but this created a lot of problems in Chinese local community. Chinese couples try and do a lot of efforts to have a son in their family and what if that son is homosexual that can be a big major tragedy in the family. Many gay and lesbian commit suicide because its not much common in there. Zheng estimates there is about 27-30 million homosexual people living in china from which 18-20 million are gay man and 9 to 10 million are lesbian women. So homosexuals are not accepted by social customs at home or at work place. This creates two other different problems: They dont have freedom to enjoy their personal life -> It is seen that gay man and gay women get married to each other as homowives under a formal union they have normal marriages but allowing each other to conduct their homosexual relation outside. Many stories came up how gay man starting loving each other. some said they cant find the right female partner so they changed their self to homosexuality or bisexual and other say the girls dont want to leave parental house as they are the only daughter who want to stay with family.( The New York Times,2012 ) The Effect of China one child policy 30 years To control the population china government and Chinese people did very hard work and much sacrifice to limit the population growth with one child per family. So in condition to hold this population growth there is a heavy reliance on long term contraception with IU device and sterilizations together accounting for more that they dont have any other options except which they heard from health workers recommend for family planning. This helped in 25% decreased in abortion rates. This policy is reduction in the total fertility rate before between 1970-1979 the fertility was 5.9 to 2.9 but after this its less stabilized at approximately 1.7. There are some signals that may be the traditional thinking for boys will change. As a survey done by National family and Reproductive Health reports say 37 percent of young urban women said they have no preference with the sex of the kid either its male or female but on other side 45 percent said the ideal family is one boy and one girl. Ratio of old age Dependency The rapid decrease in birth rate with stable and improved life it led to increased proportion of old people in the community. In 1965 the population of 65 year old people was 5% in 1982 which now is 7.5 percent which is expected to be 15 percent by 2025. (World Bank, 2012) Thats one reason in urban areas the couple who themselves are single children are allowed to have other second kid. The future of chinas one child policy: The Chinese government is facing an important challenge, first will be the need to balance the basic population right of reproduction with population growth. 10 million people are adding to Chinese population every year which is equal to the population of Belgium. Relaxation of this policy can be considered because of baby bomber are getting older, but increased wealth and freedom is not allowing government to relax this policy. End of Cheap Labor: Professor Cai Feng- a Chinese labor economist estimated there will a downfall in the labor force by 1.5 percent points by 2015 and will decrease further in 2016-2020. A fast pace decline of the labor force will cause shortages and rapid increase in wages which will be weaken the chinas export industry in the international marked effecting economic growth .(BBC,2012) Conclusion: The people republic if china and its one child policy remains an international concept as in means of regulation, human rights, birth and fertility, national duties, ethics and principles. In 30 years of this policy china have created dramatic results of controlling population and limiting total fertility rate at 1.7 births per women. It also helped to control the problems which can be occurred with over population. On the other side this policy also created drastic effect on highly unbalanced sex-ratio between male and female. Many couples cant find the suitable match for each other. There is an increase in female infanticide and more use of contraceptive methods. An increased social and economic demand on small families due to aging is also common. According to Xinhua the national press agency of china china have paid a lot of political and social cost for this policy but still it resulted in social conflict, high administrative cost and let to gender imbalance too(Xinhua, 2012). My reaction to this one child policy is that they should not make it very strict at the starting. Second child in family bring the fine of $3500 which is almost equal to the income of 10 year of a poor farmer. Many Chinese women commit suicide under the pressures of one child policy(Amnesty International,2012) . Some rich people who can afford $3500they have two kids in family which is not equal to other resident of china. For poor if they cant pay the fine they have to pay their fines with 200kg of rice. Families in Guangzi province are afraid of breaking rules because they are already poor and this gives them hard time paying the fine. This is the reason of disturbance in sex ratio. I think Chinese government should educate people to the benefits of having lesser children but not to force them for abortion. Couples should have their own freedom they whether they want children or not. The Government should educate people and promote to have more female babies to equal the uneven sex ratio. There is a high divorce rate involving women whose one child turn out to be a girl however the laws have changed by those women have to suffer physical assault at home. It is clearly see there are many advantages and disadvantages of chinas one child policy but when it comes to health, law and ethics it is not justified because of many dilemmas on the ethical ground.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Unexpected Reward :: essays research papers

Unexpected Reward   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organized youth sports are excellent programs that every town in every state should offer to young people of their community. These programs help children to find their interests, build confidence, and make friends. All of these things are important in the development of a child. These are a few of the reasons that interested me in volunteering my services as an assistant coach of a Pop Warner football team, The Plymouth Vikings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I coached children ages nine to eleven. I would help them with the fundamentals of football such as the proper way to hold the football when you run, the difference of pass blocking and run blocking, and how to tackle properly. It really made me feel good to know that I was helping kids improve their skills at a game they loved to play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was one boy that attended every practice, and seemed to be tuned in to every bit of information I gave the team. The boy’s name was Gregory; we all called him, â€Å"Goody.† Goody was the starting quarterback. Greg reminded me of myself when I was his age. He was always having fun when he played, he was always trying his best, and he was somewhat mischievous. Greg was just a normal eleven-year-old that loved to play football. He was the best player on the team. Goody could play any position; he could throw, run, catch, and play defense. He had a great deal of potential on the field, but he was struggling in school. You hold a â€Å"C† average in school to play Pop Warner football. Greg was just barely making the grade. I didn’t want to see a kid with so much love for the game to be kicked off the team because he was not doing well in school. I began to talk to him about the issue and I would explain to him the importance of working hard in school just like he does on the football field. I told him that he should keep professional football as a dream, but to make school his first priority. At the time I really did not know if he listened to me or if he even cared what I had to say, but I knew I had tried to help him. I even offered to help him with homework. Goody never asked for help on his homework, but assured me he was doing better. Unexpected Reward :: essays research papers Unexpected Reward   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organized youth sports are excellent programs that every town in every state should offer to young people of their community. These programs help children to find their interests, build confidence, and make friends. All of these things are important in the development of a child. These are a few of the reasons that interested me in volunteering my services as an assistant coach of a Pop Warner football team, The Plymouth Vikings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I coached children ages nine to eleven. I would help them with the fundamentals of football such as the proper way to hold the football when you run, the difference of pass blocking and run blocking, and how to tackle properly. It really made me feel good to know that I was helping kids improve their skills at a game they loved to play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was one boy that attended every practice, and seemed to be tuned in to every bit of information I gave the team. The boy’s name was Gregory; we all called him, â€Å"Goody.† Goody was the starting quarterback. Greg reminded me of myself when I was his age. He was always having fun when he played, he was always trying his best, and he was somewhat mischievous. Greg was just a normal eleven-year-old that loved to play football. He was the best player on the team. Goody could play any position; he could throw, run, catch, and play defense. He had a great deal of potential on the field, but he was struggling in school. You hold a â€Å"C† average in school to play Pop Warner football. Greg was just barely making the grade. I didn’t want to see a kid with so much love for the game to be kicked off the team because he was not doing well in school. I began to talk to him about the issue and I would explain to him the importance of working hard in school just like he does on the football field. I told him that he should keep professional football as a dream, but to make school his first priority. At the time I really did not know if he listened to me or if he even cared what I had to say, but I knew I had tried to help him. I even offered to help him with homework. Goody never asked for help on his homework, but assured me he was doing better.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Individual Presentation: Kevin Mitnick :: Computers Technology Kevin Matnick Essays

Individual Presentation: Kevin Mitnick Introduction Originally, I had planned on researching George Lucas as my creative genius. I am in love with the Star Wars saga, but I really could not get interested in George Lucas. Then, late one night, I saw a movie called Takedown. It was based on a true story that dealt with the pursuit and capture of Kevin Mitnick, one of the most infamous computer hackers of all time. I was instantly amazed. As soon as the movie was over, I began scouring the internet looking for information concerning him. I am quite interested in computers, and Mitnick’s mastery of them drew me towards him. I knew then that he was who I wanted to research. His creativity encompasses a wide range of skills. Obviously, his mastery of computer and telephone systems deals with the Mathematical/Logical domain. Also, he is talented at acquiring information from people, which is an intrapersonal skill. Plus, he is strongly self-motivated and that deals with the interpersonal domain. This combination of skills elevated him to be one of the best hackers the world has ever seen. I have a great deal of respect for Kevin Mitnick because he is able to use a computer creatively to acquire whatever he wants to know. In a way, I wish I could be like him. A computer is such a valuable asset, but many times it is not close to being used to its full potential. Kevin Mitnick realized this, and put his computer to maximum usage. However, it is unfortunate that what he did was against the law. Due to this, I really cannot consider him a role model. I have no desire to risk going to jail over a computer-related crime. Even so, there is still a great amount of potential within Mitnick. Since he knows so much about breaking into computers, he could use that knowledge when he gets out of jail to design security systems that would be almost impenetrable. He knows all the tricks of the trade on how to tap into someone’s system. It is this insight that could enable him to design a nearly full-proof security system. Only time will tell what happens with Mi tnick in the future.

What is Typical of Lyrical Ballads Essay -- Wordsworth Coleridge Poems

What is Typical of Lyrical Ballads The group title of the set of poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge presents an interesting starting point of analysis. The phrase ‘Lyrical Ballads’ is a paradox as the genres of ‘lyrics’ and ‘ballads’ can be defined as in opposition to each other. A ‘lyric’ is ‘a poem about feeling†¦ addressed to the reader in a manner of private and intimate conversation’. A ‘ballad’ is ‘a narrative poem from an anonymous point of view, often relating to characters from public or historical events, such as war.’ Therefore the two genres are combined under the title ‘Lyrical Ballads’, signifying an unexpected and unusual style from Wordsworth and Coleridge. This is further evidenced by Wordsworth, who said the ‘Lyrical Ballads’ should be seen as ‘an experiment’, consisting of ‘poems†¦ materially different from those under the general approbation†¦ present bestowed’ and that they may be read by some with a ‘common dislike’. One aspect of the style of ‘Lyrical Ballads’ that caused much contempt at the time of publication is the simple language, an important characteristic of the poems. Wordsworth tries to avoid the ‘falsehood of description’, instead preferring to record reality in ordinary language rather than attempting a poetic diction. Unlike many of his contemporary poets, Wordsworth did not attempt an ornate and elevated poetic style adorned with extravagant metaphors. However, this does not mean the language is colloquial, but that Wordsworth takes his language and subjects from ‘ordinary life’ hoping to show ‘the language really spoken by men’. This is true for poems such as ‘We are Seven’ in which the narrator meets a ‘little cottage girl’ and questions her about her sibling... ... There are many characteristics that permeate throughout each of the poems in the ‘Lyrical Ballads’ creating a style fundamentally associated with Wordsworth. These qualities have a number of different intentions, for example the simple language and the reference to ordinary life do not alienate readers from a less educated background. Wordsworth’s intention was for his poetry to be inclusive and the ‘Lyrical Ballads’ are infused with ordinary life, responses to loss, growing old and the fear of death. The poems also celebrate a view of rural life and nature as a solution to industrialisation. Consequently, whilst many of the poems aim to engage readers for entertainment purposes, some poems, such as ‘Last of the Flock’ and ‘Simon Lee’ not only offer a story of ordinary life but they provide political protests on the provisions for the poor and the old.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart stores, the world’s biggest retailer, owns more than 4,000 stores, including 1,475discount stores 1750 Wal-Mart Supercenter combination discount and grocery stores and 540 Sam’s Club Warehouse stores. With close to two million employees worldwide, Wal-Mart is the biggest employment provider in the world. In this paper I am going to discuss; 1. What financial impact could the lawsuit potentially have on Wal-Mart? 2. What are the major moral complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart? Are these moral complaints are justified? Why? . What, if anything, should Wal-Mart do to correct these discrepancies? Should the company institute an â€Å"affirmative action† promotion program for female employees? If so, what should this program look like? 4. Do women deserve to win their lawsuit? Though Wal-Mart suffered lots of lawsuits which included child-labor, illegal immigrant workers, failure to pay over time charges the recent and major law suit they are facing now is the discrimination against female employees in promotions, pay, management training and job assignments.It was, therefore, a noteworthy event in June 2004 when a federal judge expanded a lawsuit filed by six California women to a class action. The case has now mushroomed to cover 1. 6 million women Wal-Mart workers, employed nationwide since 1988, making it, by far, the largest class action in U. S. history. What financial impact do you think lawsuit could potentially have on Wal-Mart? We all know, Wal-Mart is the biggest or largest retail store in the world. Naturally, their earning and employees are also more compared to other corporate.The lawsuit against the company was not the company needed when they were facing other legal issues such as the child labor and employment of illegal immigrants. The lawsuit was filed by six women who say women were treated lower than the male even if they acquired equal posts, qualification and experience. The news already reached every househo ld, street and public place thus bringing the name of the company down. This could have a huge impact on the company’s earnings and here we are not saying in terms of hundreds or thousands of dollars we mean millions and billions of dollars. Some of the impact could occur in the following forms: ?The six women who filed the case against Wal-Mart are not only asking the company pay for the unfair deed but also asking them to pay back and compensate for all 1. 6 female employees against whom Wal-Mart discriminated. This would cost the company a fortune because these 1. 6 female workers were entitled to promotions, salary increment, trainings and other such things. To compensate or reimburse that much amount for that much workers would surely have a huge and major impact on the company’s financial position. ?The other way how this lawsuit could affect the company’s financial position would be through the transaction or sales.Since major part of the shoppers constit utes women, after hearing what Wal-Mart has done and how women are treated at Wal-Mart they would certainly feel insecure and ripped off. They would turn their backs and look for a better place to shop. This would lead to a fall in sales and increase in competition. ?Other thing is the reputation and goodwill of the company. The lawsuit already has brought the name of the company down and on top of that if the company fails to win the case, then the company would suffer a huge fall of share in the market.They would even have to close most of the stores and start all over again which would be impossible looking at the current market situation and all the competition worldwide. ?And not to forget the turnover of workers or employees. Reaching this news of discrimination I personally believe that most of the women employees will quit their job, even those who did not experience the situation. So interviewing, selecting or recruiting those new employees would cost Wal-Mart another milli on. Moreover, those new employees would have no experience and would commit lots of errors.Training them would again add to the cost. What are the major moral complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart? Do you believe these moral complaints are justified? Why? The major moral complaints of females suing Wal-Mart in the case basically cover the discrimination against female employees. To point out what constitutes those complaints: ? Difference in the promotion scheme between male and female employees ? The lower payment of wages and salaries to female employees even they were at same level with male employees ? Unequal distribution of management training among the male and female employees ?Male allotted a better job assignment compared to women even they were equally qualified, ranked and experienced. Yes, I believe these complaints are justifiable because we can see from every point that women were not treated fairly and equally. It wasn’t that women lacked in anything or tha t they were unwilling to work, it was because they were woman. We can very well compete with men and in some cases may even prove better than them but it is act like this what is pulling the power of women down. The six women who sued Wal-Mart didn’t sue for nothing; they had physical proof and evidences of the discrimination laid upon them.Some of the evidences were found in the employees’ records where by Richard Drogin, a statistical expert found out that employees atWal-Mart were divided into two main groups, hourly employees who occupied the lower levels and salaried managers who occupied the higher levels. Compensation increases from one level tithe next. In 2001, salaried managers made about $50,000 a year while hourly employees made$18,000. Drogin found out that not only 65% of hourly employees were women but also 33% of salaried managers constituted women.So at both the point women earned less than man. When we also look upon the experience level, an average w oman was far more experienced than an average man because women worked or stuck there for longer than men. Women despite having other responsibilities like raising a kid or managing the home, they dedicate more where they work that is why they have less turnover rates. So this adds up to another reason why the lawsuit was appropriate or justifiable. It is strange but true; the performance rating of an average woman was much higher than of an average man.Drogin found out that be it in a cashier’s place, a manager’s place or a sales associate’s place women performed better than men. However women were paid about 5% to15% times less than men and on top of that fewer women got promoted to the next rank that too in a very long time whereas a man would get promoted within the speculated time or even less into the next post. Wal-Mart was fined $188,000 by the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission for violating California state law when it refused to reinsta te a woman after she completed her maternity leave.In addition, Wal-Mart also offers a pitifully small amount of paid sick time for working women, and requires employees to be available for shifts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making it extremely difficult for working mothers to schedule child care or take time off to care for a sick child. So the main point here is that at any angle or point we can see women were not treated fair and left to suffer. If women do not come together and fight for their rights when they have the opportunity then women will always remain a victim.Then there is no use shouting at the store or ourselves that we deserve more or we have earned it, it would be too late then. Besides the moral complaints by the female workers at Wal-Mart there were major issues involving the employees which were not noted earlier, some of the issues were: ? Wal-Mart pays low wages and appears to aggressively seek to keep wages down. On average, Wal-Mart workers earn an estima ted $8. 00/hour with a 32 hour work week. This equals $256 a week or $13,312 a year. The Federal poverty level for a family of threes $14,630. In contrast, union grocery workers earn on average 30% more. Charges have been made that older workers are laid off to bring in younger and cheaper employees. Some 40 lawsuits accuse Wal-Mart of a failure to pay overtime. ?It pulls wages and benefits down in other grocery stores. It lowers area standards. In some cases, it forces the closure of better paying firms. Business Week estimates for every Wal-Mart supercenter that opens, two other supermarkets will close. ?It pressures suppliers to make products more cheaply, putting pressure on wages, causing jobs to be moved overseas. Last year, it imported 12 billion in goods from China, 10% of US imports from that nation. Wal-Mart doesn’t produce new technology or innovations that improve the quality of life. It takes business from existing firms by offering the same merchandise cheaper. That’s all it does. So I believe it is not only justifiable but also rightful to file the lawsuit against such treatments. On top of that the evidences and statics are on the women’s side so therefore the lawsuit is 100% justifiable. What, if anything, do you think Wal-Mart should do to correct these discrepancies? Should the company institute an â€Å"affirmative action† promotion program for female employees?If so, what should this program be like? The problem was caused by the company, Wal-Mart so definitely they have to find a solution and try to correct their mistakes. They have already started working on the problem. Some of the initiatives they have taken are: ? They had posted â€Å"anti-discrimination† posters all over ? Women were allotted more responsibilities and representation in areas they were evaluated ? Women could enter salaried management jobs without having to relocate their homes. But since such initiatives were not firmly implemented some of them were forgone with the passage of time.Some of initiatives Wal-Mart could think of or adopt are: 1) Work Discrimination I am talking about the actual work or labor work. Women at Wal-Mart seem to be working at par with men but still they are not paid at par. To compensate for the women’s losses they could reduce their work time or they could allocate women to areas where minimum energy is required. For example they could work at displaying of items, as a cashier, and such places where not much of hard labor is required. 2) Facility such as Day Care Wal-Mart is one of the biggest retail all over the world and they have lots of property they own.If they established some Day care center for their employees especially the female employees then those employees who have kids can drop their kids in those center and work care free in the store. The center could be near the store and they could also charge some amount as charge but this could not only benefit the workers but also the company for could avoid unnecessary absenteeism. An association called the Women’s Association can be formed in every retail store so that female employees can come together to discuss their issues and forward suggestions and feedback.Such programs do not have to disturb their normal work time, it could be conducted once in every month or whenever major issues arise. 4) Equal Respect At Wal-Mart’s women were mostly looked down and not given the respect they deserve. Adwoman may be somebody’s mother, wife or sister. Men at Wal-Mart fail to see that and they criticized women of their looks, their past, future and their purpose in life. So therefore women should be given respect and treated equally. Yes definitely the company should institute an â€Å"affirmative action† in order to promote program for the female employees.From my point of view, since the company is based in the United States they should associate their program with the Statue o f Liberty. That statue denotes the power of women and it signifies the right to freedom for all the U. S citizens. The title or the main theme of such program could be â€Å"Liberty for Women† . Whereby they could stress the freedom to speak, advance and employment especially for the female workers. They could relate women to some famous figure such as the Mother Teresa or simply their own mom. On this particular day they could give all the female employees a one day holiday and let them embrace themselves.The company should however grant monetary compensation for this day. This way women employee could proudly say they work at Wal-Mart and dedicate completely to their work and avoid complaining. Some of the points they could keep in mind while pursuing such program could be as follows: ? The right and responsibilities of women ?The importance of women ?The success of women till now ?The potential and ability of women ?The sacrifices women make in every aspect of life Referen ces Wal-Mart Class Action Gender Discrimination Case Holds,(2012), Myron Curry, retrieved from http://www. usiness-marketing. com/store/article-walmart. html Are Women Discriminated Against at Wal-Mart? , (2012), Dan Ackman, retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/2004/06/23/cx_da_0623topnews. html Wal-Mart, pay your fair share,(2006), Randy Joseph, retrieved from http://www. seattlepi. com/local/opinion/article/Wal-Mart-pay-your-fair-share-1194522. php Female Wal-Mart Employees File New Bias Case, (2011), Andrew Martin, retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2011/10/28/business/women-file-new-class-action-bias-case-against-wal-mart. html? _r=0